PULL DATE: 10/6/2010
DATE RANGE: 9/01/2010 - 9/30/2010
All Property Types: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
Total Number of Listings Listed' 1,776 2,053 18,761 17,960
Total Number of Listings Closed' 689 1,106 7644 8,192
Total Volume of Listings Closed' $115,820,721 $173,226,497 $1,234,952,469 $1,289,346,522
Total Number of Listings Pended' 691 1159 8428 9459
Residential Properties Only: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
Total Number of Residential Listings Listed' 1,564 1,836 16,546 15,575
Total Active Residential Listings' 5,916 5,231 N/A N/A
% Residential Listings of Total Listings' 88% 89% 88% 87%
Avg. List $ of Residential Listings Listed' $184,335 $171,446 $221,107 $212,335
Avg. DOM of Residential Listings Listed' 19 94 69 90
 Pending: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
 Total # of Residential Listings Pended' 620 1092 7737 8862
 Avg. DOM of Residential Listings Pended' 71 65 67 68
 Closed: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
 Total Residential Listings Closed' 654 1072 7298 7918
 % Residential Listings Closed of Total Residential Listings' 42% 58% 44% 51%
 Total Volume Residential Listings Closed' $112,555,791 $170,482,410 $1,204,388,501 $1,265,242,398
 Avg. List $ of Residential Listings Closed' $178,130 $163,537 $169,716 $164,587
 Avg. Sold $ of Residential Listings Closed' $172,103 $159,032 $165,029 $159,793
 Avg. DOM of Residential Listings Closed' 71 63 67 67
 Avg. Sold $ to Avg. List $ of Closed Residential Listings' 97% 97% 97% 97%
 Avg. Sold $ to Avg. List $ of all Residential Listings' 93% 93% 75% 75%
 Residential Listings Closed to Total Listings Closed' 95% 97% 95% 97%
                                        Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2010 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                                      There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.
Office to Office Listings Closed: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
Total Number of Listings Sold thru 2nd Office' 463 794 5391 6020
Total $ Volume' $77,909,962 $125,361,077 $866,361,426 $943,507,601
Avg. Market Time' 66 64 70 68
Avg. List $' $173,982 $162,683 $165,683 $161,366
Avg. Sold $' $168,272 $157,885 $160,705 $156,728
Office to Office as % of Residential Sales' 71% 74% 74% 76%
Office to Office Volume as % of Residential Volume' 69% 74% 72% 75%
New Residential Construction Closed: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
Total New Construction Sales' 67 108 948 900
Total $ Volume' $17,387,561 $23,263,010 $220,356,301 $209,400,235
Avg. Market Time' 138 135 107 125
Avg. List $' $255,443 $216,053 $232,271 $234,522
Avg. Sold $' $259,515 $215,398 $232,443 $232,666
High Sold $' $705,000 $650,846 $949,000 $1,536,909
Median Sold $' $257,035 $204,792 $213,925 $205,262
Low Sold $' $32,000 $66,500 $10,000 $57,700
Existing Residential Properties Closed: Sep-10 Sep-09 September 10 YTD September 09 YTD
Total Existing Construction Sales' 587 964 6350 7018
Total $ Volume' $95,168,230 $147,219,400 $984,032,200 $1,055,842,163
Avg. Market Time' 63 55 61 60
Avg. List $' $169,306 $157,654 $160,377 $155,618
Avg. Sold $' $162,126 $152,717 $154,965 $150,447
High Sold $' $975,000 $1,500,000 $3,000,000 $1,550,000
Median Sold $' $132,000 $134,700 $132,000 $132,000
Low Sold $' $3,300 $4,851 $1,500 $3,000
                         Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change.  © 2010 Great Plains REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
                         There was a new MLS Provider effective September 2007. There may be differences in statistical computions from the previous MLS Provider.